Recording Storage Group Directories on [localhost]
2016-05-18 13:04:09    · Deleted and Awaiting Expiry

Storage DirectoryNGiBAvg· DeletedFree
/recording/tv/214598.81 2.80||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||······59.40270.27 
/store/recording/tv/76219.87 2.89||||||||||||||||||||··19.58276.84 
All Groups290818.68 2.82739.7078.98547.11
American ExperienceThe Mine Wars2022_20160127100000.mpg 7.95
American ExperienceMurder of a President2022_20160203100000.mpg 7.44
American ExperienceThe Perfect Crime2022_20160210100000.mpg 3.64
American ExperienceSpace Men2022_20160302040000.mpg 4.17
American ExperienceThe Pilgrims2081_20151125010000.mpg 2.23
American MastersAugust Wilson: The Ground on Which I Stand1022_20150220220000.mpg 3.96
American MastersAmerican Ballet Theatre: A History1022_20150516030000.mpg 3.96
American MastersAlthea1022_20150905040000.mpg 5.23
American MastersPedro E. Guerrero: A Photographer's Journey1022_20150919090000.mpg 2.64
American MastersMike Nichols2022_20160130050000.mpg 3.75
American MastersB.B. King2022_20160213050000.mpg 3.99
American MastersCarole King2022_20160220050000.mpg 3.71
American MastersFats Domino2022_20160227110000.mpg 4.30
American MastersLoretta Lynn2022_20160307100000.mpg 7.85
American MastersJanis: Little Girl Blue2022_20160504080000.mpg 8.07
Angie TribecaPilot2041_20160302200000.mpg 1.31
Angie TribecaThe Wedding Planner Did It2041_20160309200000.mpg 1.32
Angie Tribeca25 Hour Binge-A-Thon: The Famous Ventriloquist Did It2041_20160316190000.mpg 1.32
Angie Tribeca25 Hour Binge-A-Thon: The Thumb Affair2041_20160323190000.mpg 1.32
Angie TribecaCommissioner Bigfish2041_20160330190000.mpg 1.32
Angie TribecaFerret Royale2041_20160406190000.mpg 1.32
Angie TribecaTribeca's Day Off2041_20160413190000.mpg 1.32
Angie TribecaMurder in the First Class2041_20160420190000.mpg 1.32
Angie TribecaInside Man2041_20160427190000.mpg 1.32
Austin City LimitsTom Waits1022_20111225000000.mpg 2.64
Austin City LimitsNick Cave & the Bad Seeds1022_20141102000000.mpg 2.64
Austin City LimitsEsperanza Spalding1022_20150607000200.mpg 2.33
Austin City LimitsCassandra Wilson1022_20151011060200.mpg 2.33
CTV National News2016-05-15 23:00:002002_20160516050100.mpg 3.09
CTV National News2016-05-17 23:00:002002_20160518050100.mpg 2.88
CTV News Edmonton at 11:302016-05-17T05:30:00Z2002_20160517053000.mpg 2.79
CTV News Edmonton at 11:302016-05-18T05:30:00Z2002_20160518053000.mpg 2.92
Coffee: The Drink That Changed AmericaDean Cycon and Judith Jones trace the hi2022_20160309210000.mpg 5.61
Corb Lund UndoneExamining Canadian country star Corb Lun2018_20160201223000.mpg 1.32
David Bowie: Five YearsExploring the five key years of David Bo2022_20160213110000.mpg 3.99
Freedom Summer: American ExperienceIn the summer of 1964, more than 700 stu2022_20160214230000.mpg 5.28
Full Frontal With Samantha BeeSamantha speaks with a former Guantanamo2041_20160426080000.mpg 1.32
Full Frontal With Samantha BeeCrisis Pregnancy Centers2041_20160510080000.mpg 1.31
Full Frontal With Samantha BeeSuper PACs2041_20160517080000.mpg 1.32
Give Me the BanjoSteve Martin narrates the history of the1022_20120526040000.mpg 3.96
Grand DesignsA couple with a baby on the way plans to2004_20160105220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsKevin McCloud returns to the Thames in B2004_20160106220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsPeople pursue their visions and aspirati2004_20160107220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsLincoln Miles and his wife Lisa moderniz2004_20160108220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsThe Stealth House2004_20160111220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsThe Modest Home2004_20160112220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsThe Radian House2004_20160114220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsThe Scandinavian House2004_20160115220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsAlan Dawson builds a fabricates house se2004_20160118220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsIn 2006, Daren Howarth and Adi Nortje mo2004_20160120220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsKevin returns to see if Bill Bradley has2004_20160121220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsSix years after his first visit, Kevin r2004_20160122220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsKevin returns to the Lot region of Franc2004_20160125220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsKevin revisits Andrew Tate and Deborah M2004_20160126220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsKevin returns to see how Pru and Richard2004_20160127220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsThe Derelict Mill Cottage2004_20160128220000.mpg 2.63
Grand DesignsPaul and Penny Denby are knocking down t2004_20160129220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsCloontykilla Castle2004_20160215220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsThe Computer-cut House2004_20160216220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsA couple attempt to build a home resembl2004_20160217220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsA couple builds a cutting edge home in a2004_20160218220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsLeigh and Graham want to convert and ext2004_20160219220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsA couple plans to transform an artist's 2004_20160222220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsAn architect plans to convert an old joi2004_20160224220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsThe Tree House: Revisited2004_20160225220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsThe Disco Home: Revisited2004_20160226220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsKevin McCloud returns to Brighton to see2004_20160301220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsGwyn and Kate plan on building a traditi2004_20160302220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsJonathan Broom and his wife Deborah put 2004_20160303220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsMartin and Kae Walker, inspired by a gia2004_20160304220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsAn army veteran and his wife design a cu2004_20160307220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsFlying instructor Colin Mackinnon and hi2004_20160308220000.mpg 2.63
Grand DesignsBen and Rachel Hammond decide to take an2004_20160310220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsKevin McCabe, the leading living exponen2004_20160311220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsKevin returns to a glass box house in th2004_20160315210000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsWoodbridge Revisit2004_20160316210000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsRob Hodgson and Kay Ralph plan to build 2004_20160317210000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsRebecca and Gregory attempt to transform2004_20160318210000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsA farmer/architect designs a house made 2004_20160322210000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsA couple attempts to build an unconventi2004_20160323210000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsPlanning constraints arise when Natasha 2004_20160324210000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsA couple attempts to build the first amp2004_20160325210000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsKevin returns to a restoration project i2004_20160328210000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsThe Japanese House: Revisited2004_20160329210000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsKevin returns to an inspirational build 2004_20160331210000.mpg 2.64
How It's Made: Dream CarsChevrolet Camaro2032_20160506043000.mpg 2.78
How It's Made: Dream CarsPeugeot RCZ R2032_20160513003000.mpg 2.87
Inside Amy SchumerMadame President2041_20160513080000.mpg 1.32
JazzThe True Welcome: 1929 to 19342022_20160409060000.mpg 7.88
JazzOur Language (1924-1928)2022_20160409093000.mpg 8.26
JazzDedicated to Chaos (1940-1945)2022_20160507090000.mpg 8.19
JazzRisk (1945-1955)2022_20160514090000.mpg 8.01
Join or Die With Craig FergusonHistory's Biggest Frenemies2040_20160226100000.mpg 1.32
Join or Die With Craig FergusonHistory's Most Plausible Conspiracy Theory2040_20160513060000.mpg 1.32
Modern MarvelsRadio: Out of Thin Air2097_20151127180000.mpg 1.19
Modern MarvelsMachu Picchu2097_20151128080000.mpg 1.42
Modern MarvelsThe Great Wall of China2097_20151130180000.mpg 1.42
Modern MarvelsMetal2097_20151201080000.mpg 1.35
Modern MarvelsObservatories: Stonehenge to the Space Telescopes2097_20151203180000.mpg 1.27
Modern MarvelsApollo 132097_20151204180000.mpg 1.24
Modern MarvelsNORAD: The War Game Fortress2097_20151209180000.mpg 1.26
Modern MarvelsNuclear Tech2097_20151210180000.mpg 1.31
Modern MarvelsOcean Liners2097_20151211180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsOil2097_20151214180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsPanama Canal2097_20151216180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsBathroom Tech2097_20160112180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsCastles & Dungeons2097_20160114180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsFire and Ice2097_20160116190000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsBreaking the Sound Barrier2097_20160121180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsSuez Canal2097_20160121190000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsThe Exterminator2097_20160122180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsArmy Corps of Engineers2097_20160125180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsBullet Trains2097_20160126180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsMackinac Bridge2097_20160127180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsThe Alcan Highway2097_20160128180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsAswan Dam2097_20160128190000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsTrans-Siberian Railroad2097_20160129180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsThe Junkyard2097_20160130190000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsEngines2097_20160201180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsTailgating2097_20160202180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsHigh Tech Sex2097_20160203180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsStrategic Air Command2097_20160204180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsBeach Technology2097_20160205180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsCemeteries2097_20160213190000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsQuarries2097_20160218180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsCannons2097_20160219180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsMore Gadgets2097_20160222180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsCodes2097_20160224180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsEngineering Disasters 32097_20160225180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsThe Computer2097_20160226180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsEngineering Disasters2097_20160514170000.mpg 5.28
Modern MarvelsAntibiotics: The Wonder Drugs2097_20160516170000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsApollo 112097_20160517170000.mpg 2.64
Museum SecretsThe Royal Museums (Greenwich)2040_20160101150000.mpg 1.11
Museum SecretsBardo Museum (Tunisia)2040_20160109140000.mpg 1.15
Museum SecretsThe Royal Ontario Museum2048_20160102110000.mpg 0.99
Museum SecretsThe Louvre2048_20160102120000.mpg 1.01
Museum SecretsNatural History Museum in London2093_20160113120000.mpg 1.08
Museum SecretsIsrael Museum (Jerusalem)2097_20151015220000.mpg 1.05
Museum SecretsRoyal Palace (Madrid)2097_20151022140000.mpg 1.03
Museum SecretsTopkapi Palace Museum, Istanbul2097_20151025110000.mpg 1.00
Museum SecretsNational Archeological Museum of Athens2097_20151029140000.mpg 1.00
Museum SecretsThe Hermitage Museum2097_20151101120000.mpg 1.03
Museum SecretsThe Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna2097_20151119150000.mpg 1.16
Museum SecretsThe Pergamon and Neues Museums, Berlin2097_20151126150000.mpg 1.08
Museum SecretsState Historical Museum (Moscow)2097_20151206120000.mpg 1.18
Museum SecretsNational Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City2097_20160104120000.mpg 1.15
NHL HockeyTampa Bay Lightning at Pittsburgh Penguins2004_20160517000000.mpg26.42
NHL HockeySan Jose Sharks at St. Louis Blues2004_20160518000000.mpg24.46
NOVAInside Animal Minds: Bird Genius1022_20150624200200.mpg 2.46
NOVAInside Einstein's Mind2022_20151126100200.mpg 3.62
NOVARoman Catacomb Mystery2022_20151217040200.mpg 3.99
NOVACreatures of Light2022_20160204040200.mpg 3.73
NOVAMemory Hackers2022_20160211100200.mpg 3.69
NOVAIceman Reborn2022_20160218100200.mpg 3.96
NOVASecrets of Noah's Ark2022_20160324090200.mpg 3.55
NOVAVikings Unearthed2022_20160408110200.mpg 7.63
NOVACan Alzheimer's Be Stopped?2022_20160414090200.mpg 3.57
NOVAOperation Lighthouse Rescue2022_20160505090200.mpg 3.83
Particle FeverScientists re-create conditions from the2022_20160107110000.mpg 7.48
Robot ChickenRebel Appliance2067_20160502030000.mpg 0.65
Robot ChickenLegion of Super-Gyros2067_20160502031500.mpg 0.66
Robot ChickenStar Wars Special 32067_20160505030000.mpg 2.64
Saturday Night LiveAn ensemble performs sketch comedy.2003_20160424062900.mpg11.33
Secrets of the DeadThe Alcatraz Escape2022_20160330090000.mpg 3.88
SmithereensA would-be weird girl (Susan Berman) clu2049_20151108070000.mpg 1.81
South ParkNaughty Ninjas1017_20151112030000.mpg 1.32
The Big LebowskiBowling buddies (Jeff Bridges, John Good2037_20160114040000.mpg 5.28
The Daily Show With Trevor NoahDahlia Lithwick2074_20160518040500.mpg 1.41
The DetourThe Hotel2041_20160429190000.mpg 1.32
The DetourThe Tank2041_20160506190000.mpg 1.32
The DetourThe Restaurant2041_20160513190000.mpg 1.31
The House in the MiddleAtomic tests at the Nevada Proving Groun2049_20160110104500.mpg 0.27
The Late Show With Stephen ColbertAnthony Anderson; Eugene Levy; Catherine O'Hara; Coldplay2008_20160518060300.mpg 6.49
The Nature of ThingsGiraffes: The Forgotten Giants1004_20151106030000.mpg 2.64
The Secret World of LegoLEGO, the most profitable toy-maker in t2043_20151231010000.mpg 6.99
UnscriptedMarlee Matlin1093_20150714000000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedScott Baio1093_20150728000000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedRobert David Hall1093_20150729000000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedRicki Lake1093_20150804000000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedSteve Railsback1093_20150811000000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedLaila Ali1093_20150812000000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedKris Jenner2092_20160118043000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedMelissa Rivers2092_20160201040000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedNigel Lythgoe2092_20160201043000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedRick Springfield2092_20160213010000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedJames Avery2092_20160328033000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedKay Warren'2120_20160120070000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedLaura Lippman2120_20160121123000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedStephen Smith2120_20160122123000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedEli Broad2120_20160126070000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedJacob Dyan2120_20160128123000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedDon Miguel Ruiz2120_20160129123000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedDr. Edwin Krupp2120_20160204123000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedRobin Smalley2120_20160205123000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedAvi Davis2120_20160211123000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedJonathan Kellerman2120_20160212123000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedRev. Michael Beckwith2120_20160216070000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedVivian Seigel2120_20160219123000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedDr. Ernie Bodai2120_20160225123000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedLois Lee2120_20160226123000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedCookie Lommell2120_20160301070000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedTommy Lasorda2120_20160303123000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedDr. Mark Bernstein2120_20160304123000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedShannon Lee2120_20160308070000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedDr. Frank Lawlis2120_20160309070000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedKathy Ireland2120_20160310123000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedDaphna Ziman2120_20160316060000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedSandra Tsing Loh2120_20160317113000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedMavis Leno2120_20160322060000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedGreg Boyle2120_20160401113000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedSusan Feniger2120_20160407113000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedMalcolm Jamal Warner2133_20160502000000.mpg 1.31
Young Drunk Punk2016-05-14T06:30:00Z2007_20160514063000.mpg 1.32
  N= 214598.81
Awaiting Expiry:   
CTV National News2016-05-15 23:00:002002_20160516050100.mpg 3.09
CTV News Edmonton at 11:302016-05-17T05:30:00Z2002_20160517053000.mpg 2.79
Full Frontal With Samantha BeeSamantha speaks with a former Guantanamo2041_20160426080000.mpg 1.32
Full Frontal With Samantha BeeCrisis Pregnancy Centers2041_20160510080000.mpg 1.31
NHL HockeyTampa Bay Lightning at Pittsburgh Penguins2004_20160517000000.mpg26.42
NHL HockeySan Jose Sharks at St. Louis Blues2004_20160518000000.mpg24.46
  N= 659.39
American Experience525.43 4.25|||||||||||||||||
American Masters1047.46 7.93||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Angie Tribeca911.86 1.98||||||||
Austin City Limits4 9.94 1.66|||||||
CTV National News2 5.97 1.00||··
CTV News Edmonton at 11:302 5.72 0.95||··
Coffee: The Drink That Changed America1 5.61 0.94||||
Corb Lund Undone1 1.32 0.22|
David Bowie: Five Years1 3.99 0.67|||
Freedom Summer: American Experience1 5.28 0.88||||
Full Frontal With Samantha Bee3 3.95 0.66|··
Give Me the Banjo1 3.96 0.66|||
Grand Designs45118.7019.82|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How It's Made: Dream Cars2 5.65 0.94||||
Inside Amy Schumer1 1.32 0.22|
Jazz432.33 5.40||||||||||||||||||||||
Join or Die With Craig Ferguson2 2.63 0.44||
Modern Marvels3994.8815.85|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Museum Secrets1415.01 2.51||||||||||
NHL Hockey250.88 8.50··································
NOVA1040.05 6.69|||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Particle Fever1 7.48 1.25|||||
Robot Chicken3 3.96 0.66|||
Saturday Night Live111.33 1.89||||||||
Secrets of the Dead1 3.88 0.65|||
Smithereens1 1.81 0.30|
South Park1 1.32 0.22|
The Big Lebowski1 5.28 0.88||||
The Daily Show With Trevor Noah1 1.41 0.23|
The Detour3 3.95 0.66|||
The House in the Middle1 0.27 0.05
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert1 6.49 1.08||||
The Nature of Things1 2.64 0.44||
The Secret World of Lego1 6.99 1.17|||||
Unscripted3748.76 8.14|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Young Drunk Punk1 1.32 0.22|
Angie TribecaThe One With the Bomb2041_20160504190000.mpg 1.32
Austin City LimitsTom Waits2022_20151220070000.mpg 3.43
Austin City LimitsAngelique Kidjo2022_20160124070000.mpg 4.00
Austin City LimitsSleater-Kinney; Heartless Bastards2022_20160131070000.mpg 2.64
Austin City LimitsKendrick Lamar2022_20160515060000.mpg 3.89
Edison: American ExperienceThomas Alva Edison holds 1,093 patents a2022_20160515220000.mpg 7.95
Freedom Riders: American ExperienceBlack and white Americans risk their liv2081_20160105083000.mpg 2.23
FrontlineThe Secret History of ISIS2022_20160518040000.mpg 3.73
Grand DesignsThe Barn and Guildhall2004_20160113220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsArtist Indi Waterstone and her partner R2004_20160223220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsFreddie Robins and Ben Coode-Adams leave2004_20160229220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsTamay and Nigel Hussey decide to transfo2004_20160309220000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsMichael Butcher and Phil Palmer fall in 2004_20160314210000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsA couple plans to build a home at the bo2004_20160321210000.mpg 2.64
Grand DesignsAn architect designs a home that floats 2004_20160405210000.mpg 2.64
Hell: A Survivor's GuideA consideration of how to avoid and surv2120_20160209020000.mpg 2.64
Henry Ford: American ExperienceHenry Ford becomes the most influential 2081_20160105030000.mpg 5.28
How It's MadeThe making of race car oil tanks; plaste2032_20160517180000.mpg 2.88
How It's Made: Dream CarsPorsche Panamera2032_20160513000000.mpg 2.86
Independent LensMuscle Shoals; Waiting for a Train: The Toshio Hirano Story1022_20151003040000.mpg 5.28
JazzGumbo: Beginnings to 19172022_20160402040000.mpg 5.88
JazzThe Gift: 1917 to 19242022_20160402053000.mpg 8.15
JazzSwing: Pure Pleasure (1935-1937)2022_20160416090000.mpg 6.01
JazzSwing: The Velocity of Celebration (1937-1939)2022_20160423090000.mpg 7.68
Join or Die With Craig FergusonHistory's Biggest Political Blunder2040_20160219070000.mpg 1.32
Join or Die With Craig FergusonHistory's Worst Medical Advice2040_20160219073000.mpg 1.32
KTLA 5 News at 10Micah Ohlman, Cher Calvin, Vera Jimenez,2060_20160517050000.mpg 2.64
KTLA 5 News at 10Micah Ohlman, Cher Calvin, Vera Jimenez,2060_20160518050000.mpg 2.64
Modern FamilyCrazy Train2007_20160512040000.mpg 3.31
Modern MarvelsNature's Engineers2097_20151208180000.mpg 1.58
Modern MarvelsOil Firefighting2097_20160113180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsTunnels of Vietnam2097_20160114190000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsStar City, Moscow2097_20160123190000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsBanks2097_20160204190000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsLighthouses2097_20160229180000.mpg 2.64
Modern MarvelsAssembly Lines2097_20160518170000.mpg 2.64
Museum SecretsAmerican Museum of Natural History2040_20160101160000.mpg 2.64
Museum SecretsImperial War Museum2097_20160105120000.mpg 1.14
Museum SecretsCairo's Egyptian Museum2097_20160108120000.mpg 0.96
NOVAAnimal Mummies2022_20151101090201.mpg 3.53
NOVARise of the Robots2022_20160225040200.mpg 3.71
NOVAWild Ways2022_20160421090200.mpg 3.94
NOVABombing Hitler's Supergun2022_20160512030200.mpg 4.00
Robot ChickenSnarfer Image2067_20160509031500.mpg 0.66
Robot ChickenUp, Up, and Buffet2067_20160516030000.mpg 0.66
Robot ChickenPanthropologie2067_20160516031500.mpg 0.66
Secrets of the DeadCleopatra's Lost Tomb2022_20160518090000.mpg 3.91
South ParkSafe Space1017_20151022020000.mpg 1.32
South ParkTweek x Craig1017_20151029020000.mpg 1.32
South ParkSponsored Content1017_20151119030000.mpg 1.32
South ParkTruth and Advertising1017_20151203030000.mpg 1.32
South ParkPC Principal1017_20151210030000.mpg 1.32
The Daily Show With Trevor NoahAnthony Anderson2074_20160517040500.mpg 1.40
The DetourThe Pilot2041_20160422190000.mpg 1.32
The Late Show With Stephen ColbertMatt Bomer; Zach Woods; Nick Griffin2008_20160514063300.mpg 6.44
The Late Show With Stephen ColbertJason Sudeikis; Michael Weatherly; Megyn Kelly2008_20160517060300.mpg 6.47
The Nature of ThingsPuffin Patrol1004_20151120030000.mpg 2.64
The Nature of ThingsManufacturing the Wild1015_20151129000000.mpg 2.64
The Nature of ThingsWolverine: Ghost of the Northern Forest2004_20160226030000.mpg 5.92
The Nature of ThingsThe Equalizer2004_20160304030000.mpg 6.00
The Nature of ThingsWhile You Were Sleeping2004_20160311030000.mpg 2.64
The Nature of ThingsMy Brain Made Me Do It2004_20160318020000.mpg 5.97
The Nature of ThingsPets, Vets and Debts2004_20160401020000.mpg 5.94
UnscriptedLou Diamond Phillips2092_20160124230000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedTaylor Dayne2092_20160215043000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedWill Sasso2092_20160222043000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedBruce Jenner2092_20160229040000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedDebi Mazar2092_20160307043000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedDean McDermott2092_20160314033000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedDiane Warren2092_20160321030000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedJackie Collins2092_20160328030000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedDr. Harville Hendrix & Helen Lakelly Hunt2120_20160127070000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedSteve Lopez2120_20160202070000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedTravis Payne2120_20160223070000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedRabbi David Wolpe2120_20160408113000.mpg 1.32
UnscriptedKaren Berg2120_20160414113000.mpg 1.32
  N= 76219.87
Awaiting Expiry:   
KTLA 5 News at 10Micah Ohlman, Cher Calvin, Vera Jimenez,2060_20160517050000.mpg 2.64
KTLA 5 News at 10Micah Ohlman, Cher Calvin, Vera Jimenez,2060_20160518050000.mpg 2.64
The Daily Show With Trevor NoahAnthony Anderson2074_20160517040500.mpg 1.40
The Late Show With Stephen ColbertMatt Bomer; Zach Woods; Nick Griffin2008_20160514063300.mpg 6.44
The Late Show With Stephen ColbertJason Sudeikis; Michael Weatherly; Megyn Kelly2008_20160517060300.mpg 6.47
  N= 519.59
Angie Tribeca1 1.32 0.60||
Austin City Limits413.95 6.34|||||||||||||||||||||||||
Edison: American Experience1 7.95 3.62||||||||||||||
Freedom Riders: American Experience1 2.23 1.01||||
Frontline1 3.73 1.70|||||||
Grand Designs718.46 8.40||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hell: A Survivor's Guide1 2.64 1.20|||||
Henry Ford: American Experience1 5.28 2.40||||||||||
How It's Made1 2.88 1.31|||||
How It's Made: Dream Cars1 2.86 1.30|||||
Independent Lens1 5.28 2.40||||||||||
Join or Die With Craig Ferguson2 2.64 1.20|||||
KTLA 5 News at 102 5.27 2.40··········
Modern Family1 3.31 1.50||||||
Modern Marvels717.42 7.92||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Museum Secrets3 4.74 2.16|||||||||
NOVA415.18 6.91||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Robot Chicken3 1.98 0.90||||
Secrets of the Dead1 3.91 1.78|||||||
South Park5 6.60 3.00||||||||||||
The Daily Show With Trevor Noah1 1.40 0.64···
The Detour1 1.32 0.60||
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert212.91 5.87·······················
The Nature of Things731.7514.44||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unscripted1317.13 7.79|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
 All Storage Groups[top] 
American Experience525.43 3.11||||||||||||||||
American Masters1047.46 5.80|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Angie Tribeca1013.18 1.61||||||||
Austin City Limits823.89 2.92|||||||||||||||
CTV National News2 5.97 0.73||..
CTV News Edmonton at 11:302 5.72 0.70||..
Coffee: The Drink That Changed America1 5.61 0.69|||
Corb Lund Undone1 1.32 0.16|
David Bowie: Five Years1 3.99 0.49||
Edison: American Experience1 7.95 0.97|||||
Freedom Riders: American Experience1 2.23 0.27|
Freedom Summer: American Experience1 5.28 0.64|||
Frontline1 3.73 0.46||
Full Frontal With Samantha Bee3 3.95 0.48|..
Give Me the Banjo1 3.96 0.48||
Grand Designs52137.1616.75||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hell: A Survivor's Guide1 2.64 0.32||
Henry Ford: American Experience1 5.28 0.64|||
How It's Made1 2.88 0.35||
How It's Made: Dream Cars3 8.51 1.04|||||
Independent Lens1 5.28 0.65|||
Inside Amy Schumer1 1.32 0.16|
Jazz860.05 7.34|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Join or Die With Craig Ferguson4 5.27 0.64|||
KTLA 5 News at 102 5.27 0.64...
Modern Family1 3.31 0.40||
Modern Marvels46112.3013.72|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Museum Secrets1719.75 2.41||||||||||||
NHL Hockey250.88 6.22...............................
NOVA1455.23 6.75||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Particle Fever1 7.48 0.91|||||
Robot Chicken6 5.93 0.72||||
Saturday Night Live111.33 1.38|||||||
Secrets of the Dead2 7.80 0.95|||||
Smithereens1 1.81 0.22|
South Park6 7.92 0.97|||||
The Big Lebowski1 5.28 0.64|||
The Daily Show With Trevor Noah2 2.81 0.34|.
The Detour4 5.27 0.64|||
The House in the Middle1 0.27 0.03
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert319.40 2.37||||........
The Nature of Things834.39 4.20|||||||||||||||||||||
The Secret World of Lego1 6.99 0.85||||
Unscripted5065.89 8.05||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Young Drunk Punk1 1.32 0.16|

------------------------------ End of Recording Storage Group Directories on [localhost] ------------------------------